Cañón italiano Cannone da 75/27 modello
El Cannone da 75/27 modello 06 fue un cañón de campaña utilizado por los
italianos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Se trataba de un viejo diseño de
Krupp, el Kanone M1906, fabricado bajo licencia. Las primeras versiones con las
ruedas con radios estaban aún en servicio en 1940 mientras que el cañón estuvo
en servicio durante toda la guerra. Unido al cañón había dos asientos para dos
artilleros como era práctica común en el periodo cuando se fabricó. Bajo
servicio alemán el cañón fue designado como 7,5 cm Feldkanone 237(i).
También se fabricó un modelo destinado a ser usado en posiciones fortificadas
con su cureña modificada para su empleo estático. El Cannone 75/27 lanzaba
proyectiles de 6´3 Kg de peso a una distancia máxima de 10.000 metros. Sin embargo esta distancia se veía lastrada
por su limitada elevación, tanto en el modelo 06 como en el modelo 12
Muchos de estos cañones se
modificaron para poder ser remolcados por vehículos a motor sustituyendo sus
ruedas por otras de acero prensado con llantas de goma. Estos pesaban 65 Kg más
que la versión con las ruedas de madera con radios. El peso original ascendía
hasta los 1.015 Kg. Del Cannone da
75/27 modello 06 surgió el modelo 12 que tenía una elevación superior (-12º a
+18º) y con un peso más ligero de tan sólo 900 Kg pero tan sólo se fabricaron
un pequeño número de ellos. Bajo administración alemana recibieron la
designación de 7.5 cm Feldkanone 245(i).
CHAMBERLAIN, P. “Light and Medium Field Artillery” Arco, 1975
GANDER, T. “Weapons
of the Third Reich: An Encyclopedic Survey of All Small Arms, Artillery and
Special Weapons of the German Land Forces 1939-1945” Doubleday, 1979
English version
The Cannone da 75/27 modello 06 was a field gun used by the Italians during
World War II. It was an old design from Krupp, the Kanone M1906, manufactured
under license. Early versions with spoked wheels were still in service in 1940
while the gun was in service throughout the war. Attached to the barrel had two
seats for two gunners as was common practice in the period when it was
manufactured. German service under the barrel was designated as 7.5 cm
Feldkanone 237 (i). A model to be used in fortified positions with modified
static employment for carriage was also made. The Cannone 75/27 throwing
projectiles 6'3 Kg at a maximum distance of 10,000 meters. However this
distance seemed burdened by its limited lifting both the model 06 and model 12
Many of these guns were modified to be towed by motor vehicles by replacing the wheels with others of rolled steel with rubber tires. These weighed 65 kg more than the version with wooden wheels with spokes. The original weight amounted to 1,015 Kg. Del Cannone da 75/27 modello 06 The Model 12 had a higher elevation (-12 to + 18) came with a lighter weight of just 900 kg but only has fabricated a small number of them. Under German administration they received the designation 7.5 cm Feldkanone 245 (i).
Many of these guns were modified to be towed by motor vehicles by replacing the wheels with others of rolled steel with rubber tires. These weighed 65 kg more than the version with wooden wheels with spokes. The original weight amounted to 1,015 Kg. Del Cannone da 75/27 modello 06 The Model 12 had a higher elevation (-12 to + 18) came with a lighter weight of just 900 kg but only has fabricated a small number of them. Under German administration they received the designation 7.5 cm Feldkanone 245 (i).
CHAMBERLAIN, P. “Light and Medium Field Artillery” Arco, 1975
GANDER, T. “Weapons
of the Third Reich: An Encyclopedic Survey of All Small Arms, Artillery and
Special Weapons of the German Land Forces 1939-1945” Doubleday, 1979
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