miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2015

Churchill Bobbin

Churchill Bobbin

Los desembarcos en las playas tenían un serio peligro para los carros de combate pesados ya que eran propensos a quedar atascados en el momento del desembarco. Una vez atascados eran blanco fácil para las defensas anticarro destruyéndolos. Por este motivo los británicos desarrollaron un sistema que trataba de evitar estos incidentes. Este sistema consistía en una gran bobina que tendía una alfombra sobre la arena. Esta alfombra estaba confeccionada con fibra de coco y se instalaba en la parte delantera de un carro de combate Churchill. Estos vehículos vieron acción durante el desembarco de Normandía en el sector Gold.

CHANT, C. “An Illustrated Data Guide to Battle Tanks of World War II
PERRET, B. “Churchill Infantry Tank 1941-1945” Osprey, 1993
FLETCHER, D. “The Great Tank Scandal: British Armour in the Second World War” 1989
DELAFORCE, P. “Churchill's Secret Weapons: the story of Hobart's Funnies” Pen & Sword, 2006

English version

The landings on the beaches had a serious danger to combat heavy trucks as they were likely to get stuck in the moment of landing. Once stuck were easier for destroying anti-tank defenses white. For this reason the British developed a system that tried to avoid such incidents. This system consisted of a large coil which tended a carpet on the sand. This carpet was made with coconut fiber and settled in front of a tank Churchill. These vehicles saw action during the Normandy landings in the Gold sector.

CHANT, C. “An Illustrated Data Guide to Battle Tanks of World War II
PERRET, B. “Churchill Infantry Tank 1941-1945” Osprey, 1993
FLETCHER, D. “The Great Tank Scandal: British Armour in the Second World War” 1989
DELAFORCE, P. “Churchill's Secret Weapons: the story of Hobart's Funnies” Pen & Sword, 2006

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