domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011

Aeródromos de la IIGM: Ie Shina

Aeródromo de Ie Shima (Okinawa)

Situado en Ie Shima. Es claramente visible el monte Gusuku y fue construido por los japoneses.

Ocupado por los estadounidenses, se amplió y se convirtió en una importante base, con los primeros vuelos operacionales por aviones estadounidenses que comienza el 13 de mayo de 1945.

La delegación de rendición llegó en un bombardero G4M1 Betty. El 19 de agosto de 1945, dos B-25Js de BG la 345 y P-38 de escolta del 80 FS dieron protección a dos bombarderos G4M1 Betty. La aeronave llevó a una delegación japonesa de Tokio en camino a Manila para cumplir con el personal del general MacArthur para elaborar los detalles de la entrega.

Los bombarderos Betty fueron pintadas de blanco con cruces verdes en las alas, fuselaje y la superficie de cola vertical y el uso de los distintivos de llamada de Bataan I y II. Después de la delegación aterrizó en el Ie Shima, se subió a un C-54 y fueron trasladados a Manila. Después de la reunión, se volvieron a Ie Shima. Uno de los dos Bettys se estrelló en su camino de regreso a Japón sin combustible, debido a la incorrecta y la conversión de un litro de la galón cuando se abastecía de combustible a los bombarderos. La tripulación fueron ayudados por pescadores locales, y regresó a Tokio por tren. El copiloto fue Rinpei Komai, todavía está vivo.

 Vista aérea de 1945

Unidades americanas en Ie Shima.

318th FG HQ (P-38) de Saipan Abril 30, 45 - ?
318th FG, 19th, 73rd, 333rd FS (P-38) de Saipan Mayo 13, 45 - ?
413th FG HQ, 1st, 21st, 34th FS (P-47) de USA Mayo 19, 1945 - ?
7th FC, 548th NFS (P-61) de Iwo Jima, junio 8, 1945 –
28th PRS (F-5E detachment) ? - Junio 21, 1945 a Okinawa

507th FG, HQ 463d FS (P-47) de USA Junio 24, 1945 - ?
507th FG, 464th and 465th FS (P-47) de USA Junio 24, 1945 - ?
FEAF (5th Air Force)
348th FG HQ, 340th FS (P-51) Floridablanca Julio 9, 1945 - ?
348th FG, 341st, 342d FS (P-51) Floridablanca Julio 12, 1945 - ?
348th FG, 460th FS (P-51) Floridablanca Julio 12, 1945 - ?
345th BG, 498th BS (B-25) e Clark Field Julio 20, 1945 - ?
43rd BG, 403rd BS (B-24) de Clark Field Julio 22, 1945 - ?
43rd BG, 65th BS (B-24) de Clark Field Julio 22, 1945 - ?
5th FC, 421st NFS (P-61) de Clark Field Julio 24, 1945 - ?
345th BG HQ de Clark Field Julio 25, 1945 - ?
8th FG, 35th FS (P-38) de San Jose Agosto 9, 1945 - ?

 Vista aérea de la isla de Ie Shima y su aeródromo. 1945

English version

Located at Ie Shima. It is clearly visible and Gusuku Mount was built by the Japanese.

Occupied by the Americans, was expanded and became an important base, with the first operational flights by U.S. aircraft which begins on May 13, 1945.

The delegation arrived in a bomber surrender G4M1 Betty. On August 19, 1945, two B-BG 25Js the 345 and P-38s escort 80 FS gave protection to two G4M1 Betty bombers. The aircraft carried a Japanese delegation in Tokyo on his way to Manila to meet with General MacArthur's staff to develop the details of delivery.

Betty bombers were painted white with green crosses on the wings, fuselage and vertical tail surfaces and the use of call signs of Bataan I and II. After the delegation landed on Ie Shima, he boarded a C-54 and were taken to Manila. After the meeting, returned to Ie Shima. One of the two Bettys crashed on its way back to Japan without fuel due to the incorrect and the conversion of one liter of the gallon when they refueled the bombers. The crew were helped by local fishermen, and returned to Tokyo by train. The copilot was Rinpei Komai, is still alive.

 348th FG P-51 Mustang, Ie Shima

American units in Ie Shima.

HQ 318th FG (P-38) of Saipan April 30, 45 -?
318th FG, 19th, 73rd, 333rd FS (P-38) of Saipan May 13, 45 -?
413th FG HQ, 1st, 21st, 34th FS (P-47) USA May 19, 1945 -?
FC 7th, 548th NFS (P-61) from Iwo Jima June 8, 1945 –
28th PRS (F-5E detachment)? - June 21, 1945 to Okinawa

507th FG, HQ 463d FS (P-47) USA June 24, 1945 -?
507th FG, 464th FS and 465th (P-47) USA June 24, 1945 -?
FEAF (5th Air Force)
HQ 348th FG, 340th FS (P-51) Floridablanca July 9, 1945 -?
348th FG, 341st, 342d FS (P-51) Floridablanca July 12, 1945 -?
348th FG, 460th FS (P-51) Floridablanca July 12, 1945 -?
345th BG, 498th BS (B-25) and Clark Field July 20, 1945 -?
43rd BG, 403rd BS (B-24) in Clark Field July 22, 1945 -?
43rd BG, 65th BS (B-24) in Clark Field July 22, 1945 -?
FC 5th, 421st NFS (P-61) in Clark Field July 24, 1945 -?
Clark BG HQ 345th Field July 25, 1945 -?
8th FG, 35th FS (P-38) San Jose August 9, 1945 -?

 FG 80 members who escorted the G4M Betty

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