martes, 4 de marzo de 2014

Aeródromos de la IIGM: Tongatabu

Aeródromos de Tongatabu 
(Tonga Tabu)

Ubicado cerca de Nuku'alofa (Nuku'alofa). También conocido como campo de aviación de Tonga Tabu”. Fue construido por el 1º Batallón de Construcción de la Marina de los EE.UU., con la asistencia y mano de obra proporcionada por la 147º División de Infantería del Ejército

Unidades basadas en Tongatabu
13th AF, 347th FG, 68th FS (P-39, P-40) Oct 3 - Oct 28 1942 a New Caledonia
7th AF 58th FG, 68th FS (P-40) de Amberly May 16, 1942 - finales de Oct. 1943
RNZAF 15 Squadron (21 x P-40E y P-40K) Oct. 27, 1943 - ?

Engineers used this Japanese roller to complete the half finished runway shown in the lower photo, taken shortly after the Marines landed on Guadalcanal. Note the profusion of bomb holes.

MAURER, M. “Air Force Combat Units Of World War II”. Maxwell AFB, Office of Air Force History, 1983
Strategic Atolls, Tuvela and the Second World War
MUELLER, R. “Active Air Force Bases within the United States of America on 17 de September 1982” Office of Air Force History, 1989
RAVENSTEIN, C.A. “Air Force Combat Wings lineage and Honors Histories 1947-1977” Office of Air Force History, 1984

English version

Located near Nuku'alofa (Nuku'alofa). Also known as airfield Tonga Tabu. "It was built by the 1st Battalion Construction of U.S. Navy, with the assistance and labor provided by the 147th Infantry Division of the Army

Units based on Tongatabu
13th AF, 347th FG, 68th FS (P-39, P-40) October 3 to October 28, 1942 in New Caledonia
7th AF 58th FG, 68th FS (P-40) Amberly May 16, 1942 - end of Oct. 1943
RNZAF 15 Squadron (21 x P-40E and P-40K) Oct. 27, 1943 -?

MAURER, M. “Air Force Combat Units Of World War II”. Maxwell AFB, Office of Air Force History, 1983
Strategic Atolls, Tuvela and the Second World War
MUELLER, R. “Active Air Force Bases within the United States of America on 17 de September 1982” Office of Air Force History, 1989
RAVENSTEIN, C.A. “Air Force Combat Wings lineage and Honors Histories 1947-1977” Office of Air Force History, 1984

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